Health Tech

Year End Company Update 2023

Learn what product improvements Healthie has released in 2023, and review company and product priorities for 2024.

Published on Dec 08, 2023
Updated on May 08, 2024

It’s hard to believe that 2023 is coming to a close - indeed the year has flown by. As we look forward to 2024, we at Healthie wanted to take some time to reflect on the year, and share a bit about where we are headed. 

Healthie has been building since 2016, and our mission is to power virtual first healthcare delivery. We do this by building (or integrating with) all of the tools that our customers need to deliver virtual-first, longitudinal, collaborative care. We offer a feature-rich web and mobile platform, and API, that enables health organizations, like you, to build long-term relationships with clients and to scale their provider networks.  

2023 has been an incredible year at Healthie. We’ve witnessed continued momentum in health tech innovation as well as growth in our business. We’ve been fortunate to welcome so many new customers, including health tech industry-leaders who are propelling innovative, accessible, high-quality care delivery models forward for the betterment of healthcare. Our customers, including those that have been with Healthie >5 years, are continuing to adopt and expand their use of Healthie. Our team released some great new product functionality and workflows including lab ordering, claims automations and eligibility checks that we will continue to iterate on in 2024. 

As we look ahead, the conversations we’ve had with all of you throughout the year have helped inform our plans for 2024. We hope that providing you with an overview of how we are thinking about innovating, evolving and continuing to transform healthcare at Healthie in the year ahead will give you the visibility needed to plan your own roadmaps and to train your teams on what’s to come. As an additional resource, we make available a partial Product Roadmap

Healthie’s Product and our Customers

When we launched Healthie in 2016, we found that most EHRs were designed for one-time, episodic, in-person only, physician-only care that had been optimized for medical billing reimbursement. Those are none of the words that we’d use to describe Healthie - we set out to build a platform that could genuinely enable providers of all sizes to build longitudinal relationships with their clients. Fast forward to today, and we offer an API-first EHR, scheduling, and engagement platform used by thousands of healthcare organizations (as of this writing, more than 14,000 providers touching more than five million patient lives) across multiple specialties including nutrition, behavioral health, chronic care, MSK, and more.

Our customers are the innovators in healthcare - the ones who believe in building a better system by building better relationships with their patients, and offering innovative, value-add services that the industry vehemently needs. Our organizations range in size, from 1 to over 5,000 providers, and we’re here to support our organizations with our business critical, healthcare critical software. 

A look back at 2023

2023 has been a year of growth for Healthie. In addition to growing our team and welcoming so many incredible customers, we released a number of highly requested features and functionality that not only strengthened our current capabilities but also expanded our market reach: 

  • Ability to automatically charge clients for appointments
  • The introduction of Smart Tasks to the platform, where tasks can be automatically generated to reduce administrative burden
  • New reporting capabilities for invoicing.
  • Auto-scoring of forms, including the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 assessment forms. 

We launched our Digital App Marketplace and added new partner integrations in RCM, E-Labs, and more. This allows customers to link business and care-critical tools with the Healthie platform to further enhance operations. Partners that have been added in 2023 include: 

You can access all of our 2023 release notes for additional release details. 

A look ahead at 2024

We see 2024 as a huge opportunity for ongoing optimization of the Healthie platform. Our Product priorities will continue to focus on our customer needs, and the potential business & infrastructure impact for our customers. 

Looking at Healthie’s product breadth, we believe that every feature should provide a best-in-class solution, and that’s what we’ll be focusing on in 2024. We’ll be looking at things like: where our customers are getting stuck, where we can reduce clicks for our customers, and where we can continue to create an intuitive and effective experience for customers and patients alike. 

We serve not one, but four user sets:

  • Providers: those on the front lines delivering live and asynchronous care through the Healthie platform. Providers need a streamlined and intuitive clinical experience that enables them to serve more patients and have more positive healthcare outcomes.
  • Administrators: those who keep our customer’s operations running smoothly and ensure that patients and clients have timely access to the care they need
  • Patients: those receiving the care from our customers and their providers, who seek a modern, easy-to-navigate web and mobile experienced based on customizations by our customers
  • Developers: those behind the scenes helping to customer tailor the Healthie platform to best serve the workflows and needs of the different segments we serve

Each of these platform-users have specific needs and requirements, and supporting the needs and requirements of each one is at the forefront of how we think about our Roadmap for the coming year. We believe that real success happens when we build a product that equally serves all of our users. 

2024 Roadmap Priorities

We’ve aligned on the following priorities for 2024 - our product and design teams will be organizing work into quarterly roadmaps with details that we are actively finalizing.

  • Identifying and closing gaps in existing clinical workflows: Our Product team is continuously researching & identifying opportunities to better connect core features to clinical workflows across the platform. Two of the main areas we are focused on optimizing are 1) the E-Labs and E-Rx experience and 2) the Charting experience. We’re also highly cognizant of the need to support collaborative care teams as part of these improved workflows – reducing time for tasks and collaboration, which in turn positively impacts administrative time saved and increases revenue for your organization. 
  • Enabling a “pick your own pathway” for billing: As with other parts of our platform, Healthie is non-prescriptive when it comes to billing; we don’t want you to be locked into one vendor or one business model. We tell you on calls all the time that we support your billing no matter what type of billing you do: FFS, VBC, Cash Pay, Recurring payments, or a combination therein. We also support how you bill, whether you have in-house billers, third-party admins, or third-party tech-enabled partners. Good business health relies on the ability to collect on payments owed. Your payment models will evolve and appointment volumes will grow, and we are working to support that as it happens. Amongst others, this will include items like automated billing workflows and CMS 1500 experience. 
  • Empowering the Administrators: As soon as there is more than one user in an organization, an important set of risks, permissions, and capabilities are required - this holds true whether an organization is 2 or 5,000 users. Healthie recognizes this and will continue to enhance the ways in which we enable back-end teams to confidently support their provider teams. This will include items like making available audit logs, supporting a variety of authentication options, streamlining administrator workflows, and more.   

On top of these three themes, we’ll continue to over-invest in our foundation: 

  • Continuing to outperform our stability SLAs: If done right, this is the stuff underneath the iceberg that you, our customers, will never need to think about. We maintain robust dashboards that span platform stability, security, performance (including bugs), and more. Healthie offers business critical, healthcare critical software, and we know how important a smooth experience is for your entire teams - we hold ourselves to a very high standard, and continue to set the bar high for internal operational excellence and external performance. 
  • Rolling out Additional ONC Functionality: Healthie is an ONC-Certified EHR and we’ll be provisioning specific functionality on production for customers who need features like direct messaging, eCQMs, FHIR API access, and b10 electronic health record exports. This functionality meets government standards for interoperability and meaningful use which empowers our customers to reach medicaid and medicare customers and get full reimbursement for services rendered through Healthie.
  • Expanding Healthie’s Marketplace: We welcomed over 25 inaugural partners in 2023, and are in conversations with dozens more as we head into 2024. We are seeing fantastic early feedback from adopters of mutual integrations, and are already working with our marketplace partners to identify opportunities to strengthen integrations to provide more value. For our marketplace partners, we are investing in the vendor experience to make updates & communications to customers seamless.

Continuing build a world-class API experience for developers

Healthie is API-first, and we make available the same API that we use to build Healthie. This has enabled hundreds of tech-enabled care delivery organizations to extend the functionality of our platform and leverage our SDKs to build out bespoke member experiences, connect Healthie with BI tooling and dashboards, leverage Healthie in conjunction with internal systems and/or use Healthie as a fully headless EHR. As a result, our organizations can prioritize developer resources on business-differentiating elements of technology. This has also enabled dozens of builders to join Healthie’s Marketplace as partners

In 2023, we laid the foundation on structural improvements to our API Documentation and Developer Experience. We released our first SDKs (for Appointments, Chat, and Forms), and started standardizing how our API documents externally. In 2024, our commitment to empowering developers remains strong. Customers can expect improvements across three core pillars:

API Discoverability:

  • We're dedicated to enhancing the user experience by making our API and supporting documentation more intuitive, clear, and self-serve. This ensures developers can build their solutions faster and more efficiently, driving innovation and success across our community.

API Consistency:

  • We have identified many places in which we can improve the consistency of how the API can be utilized – this includes consistency of pagination, how sorting works (we recently released a large update here with how sorting works in a backwards compatible way). 
  • Error Handling is at the top of our list of what’s next – for example, making it clear what an error is (and is not) through more descriptive and consistent error messages. This will save our customers’ developer teams time troubleshooting queries and identifying the steps to take to resolve an issue.

Communication of API Updates:  

  • We release dozens of updates to our API each week, some substantive, and some background quality of life. While we notify customers of larger API updates in our Release Notes, and we’re looking into the possibility of adding an API Release Notes section directly within the docs.
  • This would enable Dev Teams that build against Healthie to read what has been updated, and incorporate meaningful updates into their own builds.

Collaborating together

2023 has been an incredible year and we are so proud that our platform helps power so many incredible companies providing care to hundreds of thousands of patients across numerous healthcare segments. As we continue to grow and scale, we encourage you to reach out and connect with us anytime. If you have any questions or feedback, we want to hear from you so we can continue to build a best-in-class business critical healthcare critical platform. Together we can, and will, change the face of healthcare in this country. Here’s how you can share your feedback: 

1. Add Feedback to a Roadmap Item

Click on an existing roadmap item in the "In Progress, Planned, or Under Consideration" stage. Scroll to give a rating on how important this update is for your business. You'll be prompted to include a description of your request, as well as to provide your email. Doing so will subscribe you to the item, and you'll be notified when a release goes live! You may be prompted to check your email to validate your request. This helps to keep spam bots at bay. 

Why provide additional details? Your feedback allows our Product Team to better understand how you'll use this feature. It helps them when designing a request, and also helps with prioritizing roadmap items.

2. Submit a New Idea

Access the Product Portal:

Use the Submit Idea button on the top-right of the Product Portal. You'll be prompted to provide a description of your request, and an importance rating, which helps our team gauge how critical this request is for your business. We use these ratings in our decision-making process when prioritizing roadmap items. 

We look forward to continuing to support your growth in 2024.

Erica, Cavan, and the Team @ Healthie  

PS. Want monthly product & industry updates straight to your inbox? Sign up for our Digital Health Newsletter here.

Launch, grow & scale your business today.

Health Tech

Year End Company Update 2023

Learn what product improvements Healthie has released in 2023, and review company and product priorities for 2024.

It’s hard to believe that 2023 is coming to a close - indeed the year has flown by. As we look forward to 2024, we at Healthie wanted to take some time to reflect on the year, and share a bit about where we are headed. 

Healthie has been building since 2016, and our mission is to power virtual first healthcare delivery. We do this by building (or integrating with) all of the tools that our customers need to deliver virtual-first, longitudinal, collaborative care. We offer a feature-rich web and mobile platform, and API, that enables health organizations, like you, to build long-term relationships with clients and to scale their provider networks.  

2023 has been an incredible year at Healthie. We’ve witnessed continued momentum in health tech innovation as well as growth in our business. We’ve been fortunate to welcome so many new customers, including health tech industry-leaders who are propelling innovative, accessible, high-quality care delivery models forward for the betterment of healthcare. Our customers, including those that have been with Healthie >5 years, are continuing to adopt and expand their use of Healthie. Our team released some great new product functionality and workflows including lab ordering, claims automations and eligibility checks that we will continue to iterate on in 2024. 

As we look ahead, the conversations we’ve had with all of you throughout the year have helped inform our plans for 2024. We hope that providing you with an overview of how we are thinking about innovating, evolving and continuing to transform healthcare at Healthie in the year ahead will give you the visibility needed to plan your own roadmaps and to train your teams on what’s to come. As an additional resource, we make available a partial Product Roadmap

Healthie’s Product and our Customers

When we launched Healthie in 2016, we found that most EHRs were designed for one-time, episodic, in-person only, physician-only care that had been optimized for medical billing reimbursement. Those are none of the words that we’d use to describe Healthie - we set out to build a platform that could genuinely enable providers of all sizes to build longitudinal relationships with their clients. Fast forward to today, and we offer an API-first EHR, scheduling, and engagement platform used by thousands of healthcare organizations (as of this writing, more than 14,000 providers touching more than five million patient lives) across multiple specialties including nutrition, behavioral health, chronic care, MSK, and more.

Our customers are the innovators in healthcare - the ones who believe in building a better system by building better relationships with their patients, and offering innovative, value-add services that the industry vehemently needs. Our organizations range in size, from 1 to over 5,000 providers, and we’re here to support our organizations with our business critical, healthcare critical software. 

A look back at 2023

2023 has been a year of growth for Healthie. In addition to growing our team and welcoming so many incredible customers, we released a number of highly requested features and functionality that not only strengthened our current capabilities but also expanded our market reach: 

  • Ability to automatically charge clients for appointments
  • The introduction of Smart Tasks to the platform, where tasks can be automatically generated to reduce administrative burden
  • New reporting capabilities for invoicing.
  • Auto-scoring of forms, including the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 assessment forms. 

We launched our Digital App Marketplace and added new partner integrations in RCM, E-Labs, and more. This allows customers to link business and care-critical tools with the Healthie platform to further enhance operations. Partners that have been added in 2023 include: 

You can access all of our 2023 release notes for additional release details. 

A look ahead at 2024

We see 2024 as a huge opportunity for ongoing optimization of the Healthie platform. Our Product priorities will continue to focus on our customer needs, and the potential business & infrastructure impact for our customers. 

Looking at Healthie’s product breadth, we believe that every feature should provide a best-in-class solution, and that’s what we’ll be focusing on in 2024. We’ll be looking at things like: where our customers are getting stuck, where we can reduce clicks for our customers, and where we can continue to create an intuitive and effective experience for customers and patients alike. 

We serve not one, but four user sets:

  • Providers: those on the front lines delivering live and asynchronous care through the Healthie platform. Providers need a streamlined and intuitive clinical experience that enables them to serve more patients and have more positive healthcare outcomes.
  • Administrators: those who keep our customer’s operations running smoothly and ensure that patients and clients have timely access to the care they need
  • Patients: those receiving the care from our customers and their providers, who seek a modern, easy-to-navigate web and mobile experienced based on customizations by our customers
  • Developers: those behind the scenes helping to customer tailor the Healthie platform to best serve the workflows and needs of the different segments we serve

Each of these platform-users have specific needs and requirements, and supporting the needs and requirements of each one is at the forefront of how we think about our Roadmap for the coming year. We believe that real success happens when we build a product that equally serves all of our users. 

2024 Roadmap Priorities

We’ve aligned on the following priorities for 2024 - our product and design teams will be organizing work into quarterly roadmaps with details that we are actively finalizing.

  • Identifying and closing gaps in existing clinical workflows: Our Product team is continuously researching & identifying opportunities to better connect core features to clinical workflows across the platform. Two of the main areas we are focused on optimizing are 1) the E-Labs and E-Rx experience and 2) the Charting experience. We’re also highly cognizant of the need to support collaborative care teams as part of these improved workflows – reducing time for tasks and collaboration, which in turn positively impacts administrative time saved and increases revenue for your organization. 
  • Enabling a “pick your own pathway” for billing: As with other parts of our platform, Healthie is non-prescriptive when it comes to billing; we don’t want you to be locked into one vendor or one business model. We tell you on calls all the time that we support your billing no matter what type of billing you do: FFS, VBC, Cash Pay, Recurring payments, or a combination therein. We also support how you bill, whether you have in-house billers, third-party admins, or third-party tech-enabled partners. Good business health relies on the ability to collect on payments owed. Your payment models will evolve and appointment volumes will grow, and we are working to support that as it happens. Amongst others, this will include items like automated billing workflows and CMS 1500 experience. 
  • Empowering the Administrators: As soon as there is more than one user in an organization, an important set of risks, permissions, and capabilities are required - this holds true whether an organization is 2 or 5,000 users. Healthie recognizes this and will continue to enhance the ways in which we enable back-end teams to confidently support their provider teams. This will include items like making available audit logs, supporting a variety of authentication options, streamlining administrator workflows, and more.   

On top of these three themes, we’ll continue to over-invest in our foundation: 

  • Continuing to outperform our stability SLAs: If done right, this is the stuff underneath the iceberg that you, our customers, will never need to think about. We maintain robust dashboards that span platform stability, security, performance (including bugs), and more. Healthie offers business critical, healthcare critical software, and we know how important a smooth experience is for your entire teams - we hold ourselves to a very high standard, and continue to set the bar high for internal operational excellence and external performance. 
  • Rolling out Additional ONC Functionality: Healthie is an ONC-Certified EHR and we’ll be provisioning specific functionality on production for customers who need features like direct messaging, eCQMs, FHIR API access, and b10 electronic health record exports. This functionality meets government standards for interoperability and meaningful use which empowers our customers to reach medicaid and medicare customers and get full reimbursement for services rendered through Healthie.
  • Expanding Healthie’s Marketplace: We welcomed over 25 inaugural partners in 2023, and are in conversations with dozens more as we head into 2024. We are seeing fantastic early feedback from adopters of mutual integrations, and are already working with our marketplace partners to identify opportunities to strengthen integrations to provide more value. For our marketplace partners, we are investing in the vendor experience to make updates & communications to customers seamless.

Continuing build a world-class API experience for developers

Healthie is API-first, and we make available the same API that we use to build Healthie. This has enabled hundreds of tech-enabled care delivery organizations to extend the functionality of our platform and leverage our SDKs to build out bespoke member experiences, connect Healthie with BI tooling and dashboards, leverage Healthie in conjunction with internal systems and/or use Healthie as a fully headless EHR. As a result, our organizations can prioritize developer resources on business-differentiating elements of technology. This has also enabled dozens of builders to join Healthie’s Marketplace as partners

In 2023, we laid the foundation on structural improvements to our API Documentation and Developer Experience. We released our first SDKs (for Appointments, Chat, and Forms), and started standardizing how our API documents externally. In 2024, our commitment to empowering developers remains strong. Customers can expect improvements across three core pillars:

API Discoverability:

  • We're dedicated to enhancing the user experience by making our API and supporting documentation more intuitive, clear, and self-serve. This ensures developers can build their solutions faster and more efficiently, driving innovation and success across our community.

API Consistency:

  • We have identified many places in which we can improve the consistency of how the API can be utilized – this includes consistency of pagination, how sorting works (we recently released a large update here with how sorting works in a backwards compatible way). 
  • Error Handling is at the top of our list of what’s next – for example, making it clear what an error is (and is not) through more descriptive and consistent error messages. This will save our customers’ developer teams time troubleshooting queries and identifying the steps to take to resolve an issue.

Communication of API Updates:  

  • We release dozens of updates to our API each week, some substantive, and some background quality of life. While we notify customers of larger API updates in our Release Notes, and we’re looking into the possibility of adding an API Release Notes section directly within the docs.
  • This would enable Dev Teams that build against Healthie to read what has been updated, and incorporate meaningful updates into their own builds.

Collaborating together

2023 has been an incredible year and we are so proud that our platform helps power so many incredible companies providing care to hundreds of thousands of patients across numerous healthcare segments. As we continue to grow and scale, we encourage you to reach out and connect with us anytime. If you have any questions or feedback, we want to hear from you so we can continue to build a best-in-class business critical healthcare critical platform. Together we can, and will, change the face of healthcare in this country. Here’s how you can share your feedback: 

1. Add Feedback to a Roadmap Item

Click on an existing roadmap item in the "In Progress, Planned, or Under Consideration" stage. Scroll to give a rating on how important this update is for your business. You'll be prompted to include a description of your request, as well as to provide your email. Doing so will subscribe you to the item, and you'll be notified when a release goes live! You may be prompted to check your email to validate your request. This helps to keep spam bots at bay. 

Why provide additional details? Your feedback allows our Product Team to better understand how you'll use this feature. It helps them when designing a request, and also helps with prioritizing roadmap items.

2. Submit a New Idea

Access the Product Portal:

Use the Submit Idea button on the top-right of the Product Portal. You'll be prompted to provide a description of your request, and an importance rating, which helps our team gauge how critical this request is for your business. We use these ratings in our decision-making process when prioritizing roadmap items. 

We look forward to continuing to support your growth in 2024.

Erica, Cavan, and the Team @ Healthie  

PS. Want monthly product & industry updates straight to your inbox? Sign up for our Digital Health Newsletter here.

Scale your care delivery with Healthie+.