Health Tech

Who is Healthie?

The ethos, story, and need-to-know's behind the Virtual Care Platform

Nicole Chuba
Brand Marketing Manager
Published on Mar 01, 2023
Updated on Jun 14, 2024

Dear Digital Health Community,

Hi there 👋 We’re Healthie, an API-first EMR, scheduling, and patient engagement platform used by over 15,000 healthcare providers across more than 6 million patient lives. We just hit our eight-year anniversary, recently took on venture capital money after operating profitably for the past 5 years; we’ve been working with digital health companies for years and want to engage much more deeply with the digital health community writ large. 

📸 Snapshot of Healthie

  • Founded 8 years ago, profitable for most of that time; currently double-digit $M ARR  across 2,000+ organizations
  • Based in NYC, a team of 75+ full-time people spread across 16 states in the US and 6 countries overseas
  • Raised a Series A in Summer ‘22; we’ve doubled our team size over the last 8 months
  • Women-led company: CEO is Erica Jain of Indian-American descent
  • CTO Cavan Klinsky dropped out of undergrad after freshman year to start the company
  • Provide an API-first EMR with scheduling, billing, engagement, and much more as an “out-of-the-box” solution; mobile, web, white-label, you name it! 
  • Purposely chose this moment in time to take on venture capital, grow the team and really scale the company! Here to build a company sustainable for the long haul
  • Customers include digital health companies (in total these Healthie customers have raised >$2B in venture capital), retail chains, hospital systems, medical clinics, and individual clinicians

⚕️💻 What We Do

Healthie offers infrastructure for virtual-first collaborative care with three main components: 

  • Scheduling: onboarding, booking, identify management, calendars, self-scheduling, patient intake
  • Headless EHR: care team collaboration, charting, e-prescribing, telemedicine, automated workflows, care plans, billing (out of pocket and insurance)
  • Patient engagement: progress tracking, outcomes measurement, program and content management, email campaigns, automated text reminders

Digital Health Startup click here to see a full set of features, try our product for free, or schedule a 1:1 demo.

🚧 How Healthie Got Started and Scaled to Today

In 2015, Erica and Cavan noticed two main trends happening:

(1) Consumers were increasingly interacting with healthcare providers digitally (e.g., corporate weight loss programs, but it was happening via e-mail, facetime, text messages, and physical handouts)

(2) Existing EMR platforms had been designed for one-time, episodic, in-person, physician-only care, and built to optimize medical billing. These EMR platforms then tacked on patient portals, but they didn’t feel like Gmail & Instagram, which is what consumers needed to actually build relationships with providers.

The two founded the company while in school, interviewing hundreds of dietitians  and coaches and launching a product that quickly gained adoption in the wellness community; they both dropped out of school after doing Techstars NYC in Summer ‘16. In 2018, Healthie re-built itself both as a company and technically, releasing the Graph-QL API for consumption and landing their first digital health customers.

The company has scaled quickly during the 2020/2021 digital health boom and continues to grow rapidly today with a variety of customers in the digital health space.

🚀 Healthie Founders

Follow our founders Erica Jain and Cavan Klinsky on Twitter to hear Healthie's thoughts on the future of digital health.

🤷 Why We Do What We Do (and don’t do!)

From Day 1, Healthie’s mission is to broaden access to healthcare services. We do this by empowering the providers and builders of the care ecosystem with the tools they need to deliver a complete virtual experience for the end-consumers.

We are a technology company, not a services company. That means we focus on the technology suite and making that as comprehensive and easy-to-use as possible. We leave the care delivery to the experts.

We focus on patients as an end-user but not an end-customer. As such, our identity is more of a B2B company; we don’t release features that are pure B2C (e.g., a service for patients to be matched to providers). 

We focus on the “core” platform (i.e., EHR/billing/scheduling) and partner for the rest of the features and tools needed to deliver a complete experience. Read more about our Platform Marketplace here. We are huge proponents of the expanding digital health ecosystem and will continue to support it in any way we can!

🗣️ See What Our Customers are Saying

Learn how our customers have been able to grow their businesses and reach more clients with Healthie’s technology solutions.

📈 Where Things are Going for Healthie

🧠 Things We Believe

  • Longitudinal care - long-term relationships between provider of care and receiver of care
  • Technology will never replace the provider-patient relationship, but can help augment it
  • Strong, enterprise-grade technology takes years to build
  • Telehealth 2.0 - The rise of health tech has spurred a new generation of leaders looking to tackle the legacy industry and bring better relationships and, ultimately, better patient outcomes to the forefront
  • EMRs need to build bridges not walls - EPIC & Athena created massive data silos which has contributed to poor patient outcomes, API-first EMRs is the future of our industry

🌶️ Some Healthie Hot Takes

We as an industry need to expand the definition of “virtual care” to include all of the administrative and technological pieces necessary to deliver care digitally. For example, asynchronous self-scheduling is part of virtual care. Restricting the definition of virtual care to essentially be just telemedicine holds us back as an industry.

We need to be more open in the healthcare industry to partnerships and going to market together. Healthcare is hard, acquiring patients is hard and building the right features are hard - even if you have the distribution! Companies that get out of their silos now and start trusting others will win this decade.

Most EMR companies sit somewhere on this scale below. Our goal is to hit the right “middle” so we’re truly serving a core customer base:

  • On one side: A billing platform with a patient portal tacked on top
  • On the other: A flashy gizmo that “does it all” including CRM, marketing, etc but is a mile-wide and an inch-deep in terms of true features

Launch, grow & scale your business today.

Health Tech

Who is Healthie?

The ethos, story, and need-to-know's behind the Virtual Care Platform

Dear Digital Health Community,

Hi there 👋 We’re Healthie, an API-first EMR, scheduling, and patient engagement platform used by over 15,000 healthcare providers across more than 6 million patient lives. We just hit our eight-year anniversary, recently took on venture capital money after operating profitably for the past 5 years; we’ve been working with digital health companies for years and want to engage much more deeply with the digital health community writ large. 

📸 Snapshot of Healthie

  • Founded 8 years ago, profitable for most of that time; currently double-digit $M ARR  across 2,000+ organizations
  • Based in NYC, a team of 75+ full-time people spread across 16 states in the US and 6 countries overseas
  • Raised a Series A in Summer ‘22; we’ve doubled our team size over the last 8 months
  • Women-led company: CEO is Erica Jain of Indian-American descent
  • CTO Cavan Klinsky dropped out of undergrad after freshman year to start the company
  • Provide an API-first EMR with scheduling, billing, engagement, and much more as an “out-of-the-box” solution; mobile, web, white-label, you name it! 
  • Purposely chose this moment in time to take on venture capital, grow the team and really scale the company! Here to build a company sustainable for the long haul
  • Customers include digital health companies (in total these Healthie customers have raised >$2B in venture capital), retail chains, hospital systems, medical clinics, and individual clinicians

⚕️💻 What We Do

Healthie offers infrastructure for virtual-first collaborative care with three main components: 

  • Scheduling: onboarding, booking, identify management, calendars, self-scheduling, patient intake
  • Headless EHR: care team collaboration, charting, e-prescribing, telemedicine, automated workflows, care plans, billing (out of pocket and insurance)
  • Patient engagement: progress tracking, outcomes measurement, program and content management, email campaigns, automated text reminders

Digital Health Startup click here to see a full set of features, try our product for free, or schedule a 1:1 demo.

🚧 How Healthie Got Started and Scaled to Today

In 2015, Erica and Cavan noticed two main trends happening:

(1) Consumers were increasingly interacting with healthcare providers digitally (e.g., corporate weight loss programs, but it was happening via e-mail, facetime, text messages, and physical handouts)

(2) Existing EMR platforms had been designed for one-time, episodic, in-person, physician-only care, and built to optimize medical billing. These EMR platforms then tacked on patient portals, but they didn’t feel like Gmail & Instagram, which is what consumers needed to actually build relationships with providers.

The two founded the company while in school, interviewing hundreds of dietitians  and coaches and launching a product that quickly gained adoption in the wellness community; they both dropped out of school after doing Techstars NYC in Summer ‘16. In 2018, Healthie re-built itself both as a company and technically, releasing the Graph-QL API for consumption and landing their first digital health customers.

The company has scaled quickly during the 2020/2021 digital health boom and continues to grow rapidly today with a variety of customers in the digital health space.

🚀 Healthie Founders

Follow our founders Erica Jain and Cavan Klinsky on Twitter to hear Healthie's thoughts on the future of digital health.

🤷 Why We Do What We Do (and don’t do!)

From Day 1, Healthie’s mission is to broaden access to healthcare services. We do this by empowering the providers and builders of the care ecosystem with the tools they need to deliver a complete virtual experience for the end-consumers.

We are a technology company, not a services company. That means we focus on the technology suite and making that as comprehensive and easy-to-use as possible. We leave the care delivery to the experts.

We focus on patients as an end-user but not an end-customer. As such, our identity is more of a B2B company; we don’t release features that are pure B2C (e.g., a service for patients to be matched to providers). 

We focus on the “core” platform (i.e., EHR/billing/scheduling) and partner for the rest of the features and tools needed to deliver a complete experience. Read more about our Platform Marketplace here. We are huge proponents of the expanding digital health ecosystem and will continue to support it in any way we can!

🗣️ See What Our Customers are Saying

Learn how our customers have been able to grow their businesses and reach more clients with Healthie’s technology solutions.

📈 Where Things are Going for Healthie

🧠 Things We Believe

  • Longitudinal care - long-term relationships between provider of care and receiver of care
  • Technology will never replace the provider-patient relationship, but can help augment it
  • Strong, enterprise-grade technology takes years to build
  • Telehealth 2.0 - The rise of health tech has spurred a new generation of leaders looking to tackle the legacy industry and bring better relationships and, ultimately, better patient outcomes to the forefront
  • EMRs need to build bridges not walls - EPIC & Athena created massive data silos which has contributed to poor patient outcomes, API-first EMRs is the future of our industry

🌶️ Some Healthie Hot Takes

We as an industry need to expand the definition of “virtual care” to include all of the administrative and technological pieces necessary to deliver care digitally. For example, asynchronous self-scheduling is part of virtual care. Restricting the definition of virtual care to essentially be just telemedicine holds us back as an industry.

We need to be more open in the healthcare industry to partnerships and going to market together. Healthcare is hard, acquiring patients is hard and building the right features are hard - even if you have the distribution! Companies that get out of their silos now and start trusting others will win this decade.

Most EMR companies sit somewhere on this scale below. Our goal is to hit the right “middle” so we’re truly serving a core customer base:

  • On one side: A billing platform with a patient portal tacked on top
  • On the other: A flashy gizmo that “does it all” including CRM, marketing, etc but is a mile-wide and an inch-deep in terms of true features

Scale your care delivery with Healthie+.