
How to Design A Nutritionist Business Card

Learn how to design a business card for your private practice. Discover tips for dietitian and nutritionist business cards at Healthie.

Nicole Chuba
Brand Marketing Manager
Published on Aug 14, 2016
Updated on Feb 23, 2024

Business cards may not necessarily be the first thing you think of when putting together your business, but they are incredibly useful for nutrition and wellness professionals at any stage of practice.

Between conferences, local Academy meetings, and initial consultations, handing out business cards is an easy way for your potential clients and colleagues to get in touch with you.

Building your network and community is super important as you start and grow your practice, so we recommend making this small investment in cards.

So, what are the elements of a strong business card?

How to Design A Business Card for Nutritionists and Dietitians

1. Your Contact Information

  • Your name and credentials: this may be obvious, but adding your name to the card (as opposed to just your business name) adds personalization that will help build a connection with prospective clients. Beyond just your name, you’ll also want to include your credentials. Many wellness providers choose to also include their work title (ie. Registered Dietitian, Health Coach, Licensed Social Worker) as many clients may not be familiar with your credential alone.
  • The name of your practice (unless it’s the same as your own name)
  • Email address: if you have a business email
  • Work phone and fax: if you offer a discovery call, or have an office that manages your scheduling, then it’s essential to include this on your card. If you have a private phone number that you’d rather not share publicly, then you can either point to the forms of communication you’re more comfortable with (ie email) or you may want to use another party app or service that will allow you to create a virtual second phone line. Fax lines are often still used among medical professionals, ie. to send/receive client notes, lab work and test results. Your client may not need to fax you, but they often will take a private practice business card to share with their doctor or other healthcare provider. Fax may seem like an outdated mode of communication, but in healthcare, it still serves as a convenient form of communication.
  • Office location (if you have one!) If you see clients in-person, then it’s important that you indicate where your office is located. Prospective clients want to know if your office is convenient for them, and having to visit your website or call to find out office location may be a barrier to booking. If you don’t have an office space, then you may want to consider indicating that you’re a virtual practice, so prospective leads don’t waste time trying to find where you office is located.

2. Your Wellness Specialty

If you’re an expert in bariatric nutrition counseling or have years of experience in clinical work, be sure to mention that. Declaring your specialization makes it easier for interested clients to reach out to you, but keep it as short as possible (the real estate is small!). When a prospective clients picks up your private practice business card, you want to create an immediate connection with ideal clients. By listing your specialty, you’ll be able to attract your ideal client and deter someone who may not be a great fit for your wellness business.

3. Next Appointment Reminder

Although this is completely optional, some choose to have this information on the back of their private practice business cards. It’s an easy way to help your clients remember when their next meeting you. If you use a digital platform to handle your scheduling and appointment reminders, then there is likely no need to include this on your card.

4. One or Two Relevant Images

Your company logo, a picture of produce, or even a photo of you look great on a business card. However, you shouldn’t be adding more than 1-2 images. Business cards are small, so you don’t want to overcrowd it. As with any marketing material, you want your information and message to read loud and clear. Pictures look nice but they likely don’t convey any valuable information.

5. A Clean Layout

Organize and design your card so that it’s easy to read and has a clean feel. First impressions are everything, and your business card is a representation of you and your practice. A business card that’s too busy may not be appealing to potential clients — a quick glance at your card can be all that it takes.

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How to Design A Nutritionist Business Card

Learn how to design a business card for your private practice. Discover tips for dietitian and nutritionist business cards at Healthie.

Business cards may not necessarily be the first thing you think of when putting together your business, but they are incredibly useful for nutrition and wellness professionals at any stage of practice.

Between conferences, local Academy meetings, and initial consultations, handing out business cards is an easy way for your potential clients and colleagues to get in touch with you.

Building your network and community is super important as you start and grow your practice, so we recommend making this small investment in cards.

So, what are the elements of a strong business card?

How to Design A Business Card for Nutritionists and Dietitians

1. Your Contact Information

  • Your name and credentials: this may be obvious, but adding your name to the card (as opposed to just your business name) adds personalization that will help build a connection with prospective clients. Beyond just your name, you’ll also want to include your credentials. Many wellness providers choose to also include their work title (ie. Registered Dietitian, Health Coach, Licensed Social Worker) as many clients may not be familiar with your credential alone.
  • The name of your practice (unless it’s the same as your own name)
  • Email address: if you have a business email
  • Work phone and fax: if you offer a discovery call, or have an office that manages your scheduling, then it’s essential to include this on your card. If you have a private phone number that you’d rather not share publicly, then you can either point to the forms of communication you’re more comfortable with (ie email) or you may want to use another party app or service that will allow you to create a virtual second phone line. Fax lines are often still used among medical professionals, ie. to send/receive client notes, lab work and test results. Your client may not need to fax you, but they often will take a private practice business card to share with their doctor or other healthcare provider. Fax may seem like an outdated mode of communication, but in healthcare, it still serves as a convenient form of communication.
  • Office location (if you have one!) If you see clients in-person, then it’s important that you indicate where your office is located. Prospective clients want to know if your office is convenient for them, and having to visit your website or call to find out office location may be a barrier to booking. If you don’t have an office space, then you may want to consider indicating that you’re a virtual practice, so prospective leads don’t waste time trying to find where you office is located.

2. Your Wellness Specialty

If you’re an expert in bariatric nutrition counseling or have years of experience in clinical work, be sure to mention that. Declaring your specialization makes it easier for interested clients to reach out to you, but keep it as short as possible (the real estate is small!). When a prospective clients picks up your private practice business card, you want to create an immediate connection with ideal clients. By listing your specialty, you’ll be able to attract your ideal client and deter someone who may not be a great fit for your wellness business.

3. Next Appointment Reminder

Although this is completely optional, some choose to have this information on the back of their private practice business cards. It’s an easy way to help your clients remember when their next meeting you. If you use a digital platform to handle your scheduling and appointment reminders, then there is likely no need to include this on your card.

4. One or Two Relevant Images

Your company logo, a picture of produce, or even a photo of you look great on a business card. However, you shouldn’t be adding more than 1-2 images. Business cards are small, so you don’t want to overcrowd it. As with any marketing material, you want your information and message to read loud and clear. Pictures look nice but they likely don’t convey any valuable information.

5. A Clean Layout

Organize and design your card so that it’s easy to read and has a clean feel. First impressions are everything, and your business card is a representation of you and your practice. A business card that’s too busy may not be appealing to potential clients — a quick glance at your card can be all that it takes.

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