
Diabetes Prevention Program Telehealth Partner

Learn how Healthie helps the National Diabetes Prevention Program prevent Type 2 Diabetes through providing telehealth to DPP providers.

We created Healthie to empower nutrition professionals with the tools they need to provide superior care for their clients.

That’s why we are excited to announce our collaboration with the National Diabetes Prevention Program! Our partnership with the Diabetes Prevention Program provides a seamless way for DPP providers to achieve and report on goals, using Healthie.

What is the Diabetes Prevention Program?

The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a CDC [Centers for Disease Control] lifestyle intervention program aimed at reducing the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in those at-risk. Since 2010, the CDC has offered this evidence-based comprehensive program to the 86 million Americans diagnosed with prediabetes. The DPP encourages structured lifestyle changes, which have been found to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes by over 58%.

As a DPP provider, your services are reimbursable for this research-based approach to improve outcomes and prevent diabetes. Additionally, with recognition from the CDC, your practice gains quick credibility.

Why DPP and Healthie Have Partnered

In 2015, the CDC further expanded its breadth, closing the care gap by endorsing digital programs that meet evidence-based standards. These digital programs include virtual nutrition care – offered in Healthie. This allows the DPP to reach a broader audience, increase engagement, reduce cancelled appointments, and trim healthcare costs.

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, who help implement the DPP program say:

A partnership with Healthie is a natural fit for the DPP program and our provider network, helping automate tracking and seamless reporting. Healthie’s patient-friendly practice management and telehealth platform increases availability of care, long-term patient engagement, and patient accountability, which helps improve health outcomes. Telenutrition is truly changing the landscape of healthcare in America.

DPP <> Healthie

Reach out to to learn more about:

  • The National Diabetes Prevention Program, and why it is essential to thwarting the escalating rates of diabetes in America
  • How to become a DPP provider
  • Discuss telehealth and its the impact on the prevention of chronic disease
  • How to use Healthie to make required DPP reporting seamless

We’re excited to provide our network with latest tools and resources to help thwart the prevalence of diabetes with this webinar! To learn about how Healthie can help you as a DPP Provider, get in touch with us today.

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Diabetes Prevention Program Telehealth Partner

Learn how Healthie helps the National Diabetes Prevention Program prevent Type 2 Diabetes through providing telehealth to DPP providers.

We created Healthie to empower nutrition professionals with the tools they need to provide superior care for their clients.

That’s why we are excited to announce our collaboration with the National Diabetes Prevention Program! Our partnership with the Diabetes Prevention Program provides a seamless way for DPP providers to achieve and report on goals, using Healthie.

What is the Diabetes Prevention Program?

The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a CDC [Centers for Disease Control] lifestyle intervention program aimed at reducing the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in those at-risk. Since 2010, the CDC has offered this evidence-based comprehensive program to the 86 million Americans diagnosed with prediabetes. The DPP encourages structured lifestyle changes, which have been found to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes by over 58%.

As a DPP provider, your services are reimbursable for this research-based approach to improve outcomes and prevent diabetes. Additionally, with recognition from the CDC, your practice gains quick credibility.

Why DPP and Healthie Have Partnered

In 2015, the CDC further expanded its breadth, closing the care gap by endorsing digital programs that meet evidence-based standards. These digital programs include virtual nutrition care – offered in Healthie. This allows the DPP to reach a broader audience, increase engagement, reduce cancelled appointments, and trim healthcare costs.

The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, who help implement the DPP program say:

A partnership with Healthie is a natural fit for the DPP program and our provider network, helping automate tracking and seamless reporting. Healthie’s patient-friendly practice management and telehealth platform increases availability of care, long-term patient engagement, and patient accountability, which helps improve health outcomes. Telenutrition is truly changing the landscape of healthcare in America.

DPP <> Healthie

Reach out to to learn more about:

  • The National Diabetes Prevention Program, and why it is essential to thwarting the escalating rates of diabetes in America
  • How to become a DPP provider
  • Discuss telehealth and its the impact on the prevention of chronic disease
  • How to use Healthie to make required DPP reporting seamless

We’re excited to provide our network with latest tools and resources to help thwart the prevalence of diabetes with this webinar! To learn about how Healthie can help you as a DPP Provider, get in touch with us today.

Scale your care delivery with Healthie+.