
How to Ask For, Get, & Share Client Testimonials

Learn how to ask for client testimonials for your practice. Use Healthie's client testimonial form to get and share testimonials correctly.

Nicole Chuba
Brand Marketing Manager
Published on Jul 24, 2016
Updated on Feb 23, 2024

We know you’ve made an impact on your clients, so they’re excited to provide you with a raving testimonial about your services. Now, you need to know how to share client testimonials on your website in the proper way.

This first step is essential: get written permission to share the testimonial. Given HIPAA regulations, you want to make sure that your client has given you authorization to publicly display information about them. A simple disclaimer will generally do the trick. We provided an example waiver form for you to use below.

If you're looking to grow your wellness business, Healthie offers a cloud-based EHR and telehealth platform that is completely HIPAA compliant while being customizable to meet your business needs. Click here to learn more.

Why should you obtain client testimonials?

Effective client testimonials are an excellent selling point for prospective clients. With advances in technology, more and more people seek reviews and testimonials online before booking any healthcare services. After all, when someone reads what a happy client has to say about working with you, they’ll be more likely to book their initial consultation.

Showing your testimonials strategically on your website, helps prospective clients feel confident in taking the next step in booking.

How to Ask For and Share Client Testimonials

  1. Obscure the details. Avoid using any identifying information. Instead, use your client’s initials or just their first name. For example, refer to your client as “J.M.,” “Jessica M.,” or simply “Anonymous.”
  2. Be sure photos remain anonymous, unless explicit permission is given. We suggest blurring faces in before and after pictures.
  3. Specify how you will be using your client’s testimonial. Will it be in all of your marketing materials? Solely on your website? Providing this information to your clients is a good idea so they are not surprised if they see their name (if permission granted) or quote on social media or your website.

How to Get Client Testimonials

Written Testimonials:

A simple, effective and non-intrusive way to obtain a testimonial is by asking a client to write a statement. It’s best that testimonials sound authentic, but don’t hesitate to ask clients to structure their testimonials. One way to do this is by asking a couple of direct questions, such as:

  • What were you struggling with when we initially started working together?
  • How has working with me helped you to improve your health?
  • What have you valued the most in our time working together?
  • How do you feel about your future, and your health now?
  • If there is one thing you’d like to share with other people about working with me, what would it be?

Quote Testimonials:  

Often when working together, a client may verbally provide you with their testimonial and thanks. During your session, ask if you can quote them, and post-session, send them your testimonial release form for permission.

Video Testimonials:

Video testimonials serve as the best platform to share your client’s testimonial — in marketing speak, video is king, and can be very effective in pushing prospective clients to book a session. Video has the ability to strongly connect with prospective clients, and communicate an authenticity. However, most clients will be more comfortable providing a written testimonial or quote, so it’s best to be selective when soliciting a video testimonial. Choose clients with whom you have a great rapport with, and who are likely comfortable being in front of a camera. If you work virtually with clients, the ones who connect via video chat may be more likely to provide a video testimonial. If you are having trouble building rapport with clients, Healthie can help through convenient client messaging or by setting up food, lifestyle, or activity journaling. Click here to learn how to set up these features with Healthie’s Free Starter Plan today. 

Using a professional camera and video tripod can provide the highest quality video for a website. However, if your social media is one of your main platforms for client leads, then having a video taken on your phone will work just as well (and be easy to share on Instagram and Facebook).

As with the other testimonials, be sure to send your client their proper Release form to sign post-testimonial.

Displaying Your Client Testimonials:

Here are some real examples of client testimonials shared on nutrition professional websites:

  1. On “Services” page:
Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites
Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites

2. At the bottom of “home” page:

Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites

3. On a “Testimonials” page:

Building (and Sharing) a Testimonial Release Form in Healthie

In Healthie, you can build a testimonial release form, similar to the one available for download below, using the Forms function. Share your testimonial form with any client (or group of clients) to encourage them to provide their feedback. To set up a free Starter account with Healthie today, click here.

Receiving positive testimonials from clients is one of the most gratifying parts of being in private practice. Don’t hesitate to ask happy clients for their testimonials, and confidently share them on your website.

Launch, grow & scale your business today.


How to Ask For, Get, & Share Client Testimonials

Learn how to ask for client testimonials for your practice. Use Healthie's client testimonial form to get and share testimonials correctly.

We know you’ve made an impact on your clients, so they’re excited to provide you with a raving testimonial about your services. Now, you need to know how to share client testimonials on your website in the proper way.

This first step is essential: get written permission to share the testimonial. Given HIPAA regulations, you want to make sure that your client has given you authorization to publicly display information about them. A simple disclaimer will generally do the trick. We provided an example waiver form for you to use below.

If you're looking to grow your wellness business, Healthie offers a cloud-based EHR and telehealth platform that is completely HIPAA compliant while being customizable to meet your business needs. Click here to learn more.

Why should you obtain client testimonials?

Effective client testimonials are an excellent selling point for prospective clients. With advances in technology, more and more people seek reviews and testimonials online before booking any healthcare services. After all, when someone reads what a happy client has to say about working with you, they’ll be more likely to book their initial consultation.

Showing your testimonials strategically on your website, helps prospective clients feel confident in taking the next step in booking.

How to Ask For and Share Client Testimonials

  1. Obscure the details. Avoid using any identifying information. Instead, use your client’s initials or just their first name. For example, refer to your client as “J.M.,” “Jessica M.,” or simply “Anonymous.”
  2. Be sure photos remain anonymous, unless explicit permission is given. We suggest blurring faces in before and after pictures.
  3. Specify how you will be using your client’s testimonial. Will it be in all of your marketing materials? Solely on your website? Providing this information to your clients is a good idea so they are not surprised if they see their name (if permission granted) or quote on social media or your website.

How to Get Client Testimonials

Written Testimonials:

A simple, effective and non-intrusive way to obtain a testimonial is by asking a client to write a statement. It’s best that testimonials sound authentic, but don’t hesitate to ask clients to structure their testimonials. One way to do this is by asking a couple of direct questions, such as:

  • What were you struggling with when we initially started working together?
  • How has working with me helped you to improve your health?
  • What have you valued the most in our time working together?
  • How do you feel about your future, and your health now?
  • If there is one thing you’d like to share with other people about working with me, what would it be?

Quote Testimonials:  

Often when working together, a client may verbally provide you with their testimonial and thanks. During your session, ask if you can quote them, and post-session, send them your testimonial release form for permission.

Video Testimonials:

Video testimonials serve as the best platform to share your client’s testimonial — in marketing speak, video is king, and can be very effective in pushing prospective clients to book a session. Video has the ability to strongly connect with prospective clients, and communicate an authenticity. However, most clients will be more comfortable providing a written testimonial or quote, so it’s best to be selective when soliciting a video testimonial. Choose clients with whom you have a great rapport with, and who are likely comfortable being in front of a camera. If you work virtually with clients, the ones who connect via video chat may be more likely to provide a video testimonial. If you are having trouble building rapport with clients, Healthie can help through convenient client messaging or by setting up food, lifestyle, or activity journaling. Click here to learn how to set up these features with Healthie’s Free Starter Plan today. 

Using a professional camera and video tripod can provide the highest quality video for a website. However, if your social media is one of your main platforms for client leads, then having a video taken on your phone will work just as well (and be easy to share on Instagram and Facebook).

As with the other testimonials, be sure to send your client their proper Release form to sign post-testimonial.

Displaying Your Client Testimonials:

Here are some real examples of client testimonials shared on nutrition professional websites:

  1. On “Services” page:
Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites
Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites

2. At the bottom of “home” page:

Client Testimonials for Private Practice Websites

3. On a “Testimonials” page:

Building (and Sharing) a Testimonial Release Form in Healthie

In Healthie, you can build a testimonial release form, similar to the one available for download below, using the Forms function. Share your testimonial form with any client (or group of clients) to encourage them to provide their feedback. To set up a free Starter account with Healthie today, click here.

Receiving positive testimonials from clients is one of the most gratifying parts of being in private practice. Don’t hesitate to ask happy clients for their testimonials, and confidently share them on your website.

Scale your care delivery with Healthie+.