
How to Develop a Strategy for Client Retention

Discover how Healthie can help with your client retention strategy during the holidays. Learn how to support clients through video appointments.

The holidays can be a difficult time for your clients. Parties, family gatherings, and holiday travel are a trifecta for poor nutrition habits and missed appointments. For many nutrition professionals, it’s expected to experience a “slow-down,” in client work, with a quick revamp come January.

The good news is that you’re there to guide your clients through this sometimes rocky road. Even more, Healthie is here to help you support your clients over the next few weeks.

Here are 3 ways you can help your clients through the holiday season:

1. Non-Judgmental Photo Food Logging

Traditional food tracking apps use a numbers-driven approach. This means that when a client journals 1 indulgence, alarms can go off that they exceeded their prescribed nutrient “allowances” for the day.

As an alternative, Healthie’s picture-based food logging is a non-judgmental way of helping your clients stay accountable during a busy party season. Clients can feel at ease knowing that logging a photo of a holiday treat won’t lead to an alarming, pre-programmed response. This can help clients feel confident in sharing their holiday indulgences with you. Overall, this encourages a balanced and nutritious diet. Use these tips to get your clients to food log!

Even more, picture-based food logging is proven to be an accurate tool for nutrition professionals to estimate nutrient content of meals. You can help your clients based the reality of what clients eat, versus what they can recall. Photos can also help jog a client’s memory when discussing dietary choices at a later date.

Healthie’s photo food logging is also important during the holidays because it allows you to stay in close contact with clients. It may be difficult for clients to make their regularly-scheduled appointments due to holiday commitments, but staying accountable in between sessions will ensure more success come January 1st.

With Healthie’s Client Engagement Portal, you can establish wellness goals for clients to track on a daily, weekly, and long-term basis with customizable client notifications/reminders. Click here to try this feature, and many others, for free today with Healthie’s Starter Plan.

2. On-The-Go, HIPAA-Compliant Video Appointments

If you have not yet adopted video conferencing, also called telehealth, in your private practice, the holiday season is a perfect time to test it out! Holiday travel and parties may increase cancellations this time of year, but telehealth sessions are a great option for convenient and on-the-go, but still high-quality care.

But not all video conferencing programs are HIPAA-compliant. Healthie’s telehealth allows you to securely communicate with your clients from anywhere you have an internet connection. It also gives you the ability to host group appointments for holiday support groups. Sign up for a Free Starter Account with Healthie to try this feature and many more, risk-free!

3. Secure Client-Friendly Mobile Apps for iOS and Android

Healthie was created to make it easier for you to provide quality nutritional care. Healthie’s mobile apps (for iOS and Android devices) are a key way that Healthie can set your practice apart from others.

Through the Healthie app, your clients can stay better connected to you, document their food journal, schedule appointments, view important handouts or documents, and even have their telehealth appointment right from their phone.

You can also use Healthie’s mobile app to increase your revenue. This is how other practitioners use Healthie to give their year-end revenue a bump. Click here to sign up for Healthie’s Free Starter Plan today!

Launch, grow & scale your business today.


How to Develop a Strategy for Client Retention

Discover how Healthie can help with your client retention strategy during the holidays. Learn how to support clients through video appointments.

The holidays can be a difficult time for your clients. Parties, family gatherings, and holiday travel are a trifecta for poor nutrition habits and missed appointments. For many nutrition professionals, it’s expected to experience a “slow-down,” in client work, with a quick revamp come January.

The good news is that you’re there to guide your clients through this sometimes rocky road. Even more, Healthie is here to help you support your clients over the next few weeks.

Here are 3 ways you can help your clients through the holiday season:

1. Non-Judgmental Photo Food Logging

Traditional food tracking apps use a numbers-driven approach. This means that when a client journals 1 indulgence, alarms can go off that they exceeded their prescribed nutrient “allowances” for the day.

As an alternative, Healthie’s picture-based food logging is a non-judgmental way of helping your clients stay accountable during a busy party season. Clients can feel at ease knowing that logging a photo of a holiday treat won’t lead to an alarming, pre-programmed response. This can help clients feel confident in sharing their holiday indulgences with you. Overall, this encourages a balanced and nutritious diet. Use these tips to get your clients to food log!

Even more, picture-based food logging is proven to be an accurate tool for nutrition professionals to estimate nutrient content of meals. You can help your clients based the reality of what clients eat, versus what they can recall. Photos can also help jog a client’s memory when discussing dietary choices at a later date.

Healthie’s photo food logging is also important during the holidays because it allows you to stay in close contact with clients. It may be difficult for clients to make their regularly-scheduled appointments due to holiday commitments, but staying accountable in between sessions will ensure more success come January 1st.

With Healthie’s Client Engagement Portal, you can establish wellness goals for clients to track on a daily, weekly, and long-term basis with customizable client notifications/reminders. Click here to try this feature, and many others, for free today with Healthie’s Starter Plan.

2. On-The-Go, HIPAA-Compliant Video Appointments

If you have not yet adopted video conferencing, also called telehealth, in your private practice, the holiday season is a perfect time to test it out! Holiday travel and parties may increase cancellations this time of year, but telehealth sessions are a great option for convenient and on-the-go, but still high-quality care.

But not all video conferencing programs are HIPAA-compliant. Healthie’s telehealth allows you to securely communicate with your clients from anywhere you have an internet connection. It also gives you the ability to host group appointments for holiday support groups. Sign up for a Free Starter Account with Healthie to try this feature and many more, risk-free!

3. Secure Client-Friendly Mobile Apps for iOS and Android

Healthie was created to make it easier for you to provide quality nutritional care. Healthie’s mobile apps (for iOS and Android devices) are a key way that Healthie can set your practice apart from others.

Through the Healthie app, your clients can stay better connected to you, document their food journal, schedule appointments, view important handouts or documents, and even have their telehealth appointment right from their phone.

You can also use Healthie’s mobile app to increase your revenue. This is how other practitioners use Healthie to give their year-end revenue a bump. Click here to sign up for Healthie’s Free Starter Plan today!

Scale your care delivery with Healthie+.